SO here's the thing.

I am going to start moonlighting next year, not because I neeeed the extra dough, but because, I'd rather take advantage of it while I can.

That being said. I don't have a 50mm in my lineup. I could buy the 1.8 now without sweating it. I could probably buy the 1.4 now, but if I take 3-4 nights of extra pound-on-me with work, call next year, I could almost spring for the 1.2 L. I don't really have a problem with any of them as they are all as sharp as I need them to be. My main concern is autofocus. I need it to be fast, and accurate.

-I know the 1.8 is noisy, but i hear-tell it is beguilingly fast and accurate
-I know the 1.4 is USM and 1.4 but is also nearly 3 hundred more for the lens.
-I know the 1.2 is freaking awesome, but is its autofocus like the 85 1.2 L? Lot of travel and comparatively slow to the cheaper 85 1.8 version?

Let me stress that I am NOT in a huge hurry to buy one right now. Although I like that focal length and is probably what I used most with my old Film canon, I have a 24-70 that does the trick. I just like how my old 50mm used to make me use my head more about composition. Even though I know how to do it, I get lazy with a zoom lens.

I'm not going to sell the zoom, because it is handy for situations that I have no idea about and don't have to be stealthy for. And its pretty. The 50 is just a good under the radar lens for parties and walk around. I suppose I just miss it.

Let me know your thoughts.
