Bob, that's helpful. I too have been struggling to find any matches that link to my zenfolio page. I still have to go through the tedious task of adding all the seo info to all the various elements, but thus far I'm not in the top twenty pages, even searching for a photographer (all types) with my city and state. There has to be a way to do this with the slideshow as some of the top results in my area had a similar layout.

With my account being a premium business account I have access to their free chat support.. (I've found them to be articulate, knowledgeable and very helpful.) I'll see if they have any suggestions besides what their seo video suggests, and of course I'll share here.

One thing I have read is that a large part of what makes a page show up in the first couple pages of results is how long that website has been active, and how frequently changes are made (hence the importance of a blog), and also how many other sites are linking to that site. I believe number of hits also comes into play.

By chance have you also registered the provided site map file with the search engines?

Maybe Bryan can offer some insight here? After all, his site being so incredibly searchable is how I ended up here in the first place.