Hi everyone,
I currently have 40D with the kit lens and was looking to upgrade. initially I was thinking of just upgrading the lens, but now I'm thinking of upgrading the body to a full frame. The lense I am considering is the 70-200 2.8 II IS. I read a lot of great reviews about this lense. For the body, I was considering a 5D markII (considered markIII, but higher price and the fact that a mkII is probably good enough since I'm upgrading from a 40D, made me reconsider). I'm not a professional photographer. I'd still consider myself to be relatively new to photography, but I want to make a significant upgrade from my current camera. I like taking photos of just about everything (people, street life, landscapes) during my travels. Love to get your thoughts on whether I should consider something else or if I'm making a good choice. This is a fairly significant investment for me so I want to make sure I'm making a wise choice. Thanks.
