
I own the f/4. I bought it when it first was offered. What I like about it, is that it is really sharp across the whole range.

I use it mostly for well lit environments, such as outdoor portraiture, or landscapes. So, it's not been a concern with low light situations. Not a lot, anyway.

The 2.8 II version. What a temptation....but, I'm wondering what I would gain from it. Yes, it would be a full stop faster, and it's got great bokeh.

But, one of the other things I like about the f/4 version is its lower weight. I do a lot of hiking, and I'm guessing that the beasty 2.8 is going to be a heavy thing to lug around.

I would like to hear from those who own both of these lenses, and why you decided to get the 2.8. Also, does it get a lot of use, compared to your f/4.

Maybe you could talk me out of getting it? Or, you can talk me into getting it?