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Thread: Time Lapse Photography

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2009
    The Netherlands

    Time Lapse Photography

    It would be nice if this topic could be a place where everyone can show his/her time-lapse videos and tips and tricks, because I'm sure there is enough interest for it.

    As you might know I am really impressed by some of the amazing time-lapse videos around the internet. I have made a few attempts so far, but none really impressive, definitely not enough to make a short movie out of it.
    In my attempts I have stumbled upon some problems which I will try to show by a compilation video.

    Obviously I would advice watching this in high definition.

    For the time-lapses I use my 5D with a Micnova Timed remote(comparable to the Canon TC-80n3). Since a couple of weeks I am trying out CHDK on an old Canon P&S as well. There are also more options like: tethering to a computer or Magic Lantern

    In my video, this is what I would have done differently next time:

    0-8: It was a very bright sunny day and the clouds we're moving quickly. The sun got behind clouds every now and then and it creates a flickering time-lapse. Taking pictures more frequently would have helped a bit. I took a photo every 5 seconds.

    10-16: It's ok.

    : I tried to make a moving time-lapse and I rotated the camera every 3 shots or so. I should have taken smaller steps.

    : I didn't take photos quickly enough. The clouds moved too much each photo and therefor the transition isn't smooth.

    42-28: I used the big size(more than 1920*1080p) of the photos to zoom in and slowly zoom out to recreate a moving camera effect. In real life the camera didn't move at all.

    50-55: I stopped taking photos too soon!!

    57-1:12: I exported the video in a wrong file format and forgot to safe the project. So now I got to do this over again. Having a steady view also makes it a little boring.

    1:14-1:43: I used the bg photosize to fake a moving camera bij pulling the photos slowly from one side to the other. Also I should have gone with a slower shutterspeed so the movement in the branches looks smoother.

    1:45-End: I'm happy with this one.
    Last edited by Sheiky; 05-12-2012 at 12:26 AM.

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