Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725 View Post
It looks like camera faithful is the most accurate. A bit drab but it's a better starting point. Camera Standard looks less saturated than Adobe Standard but more so than ZB and the actual color. I do not know how to make my own preset so I will need to research that. But no, I never had a problem with any of my other Sigmas.

I did notice that I have ACR 6.6 so I will download 6.7 and see if that helps or makes it worse.
6.7 reset my preferences and it was a pain to get them back. I use camera faithful almost always since it is suppose to be how the colors are actually rendered and doesn't have other saturation and contrast added by the profile. I use the others very sparingly. I recently purchased the upgrade to lightroom 4 and use that exclusively now. I always preferred ACR, but the updated develop module in Lightroom 4 is great and seems to work best for me. You might try the trial if you don't already have. It is about 1/2 the price of lightroom 3.

Hopefully the problem gets fixed with your new download and things go back to normal. Good Luck!