Hi all

As my use of Facebook diminishes steadily, I can't help but try and help "photographers" in the "photography" photo contests.

Don't get me wrong, I endorse everybody's ambitions and goals, but I cannot stand it when I see pictures of keyboards and cell phones getting votes from other photographers. What gives?

Here's what I posted in a discussion on the group page - This was my reply to a post called "Theme Suggestions":

"I really like the group so far...

But I would like to see some
really artistic themes - Not garbage cans, or computer keyboards - Not
something you can take a picture of by walking 10 feet away from your

I would suggest something you need to have an eye
for - Something that gets the photographer thinking, and something that
is a challenge to capture effectively.

No specific theme has come to mind yet, but I think you guys get the general idea..."

I feel like an outcast when terms like f/stop and shutter speed come into play.

I don't mean any offence to 1. Users of Facebook photo contests 2. Members of the group, but the images seem to bite at my creativity, and make me frustrated. Some of the images are of great quality, and have a lot of thought put into them, but I see many as just photos, not images. And I see a difference, not in terms of only quality, but in effort, composition, and thinking. And for the record (contrary to my beliefs in my other post), gear.

Again, I don't like making people angry, nor do I intend to make anybody angry, but I just feel that I need to "restore" my creative mind with a visit to Bill Frakes website to get me inspired again.

Anybody feel the same?