In the book “Animal Farm”, at the end the pigs end up living in the house. At night the laws written on the barns would be altered and changed, till gradually no one had any rights left. This suit really appears to have nothing to with a couple wanting to have a ceremony photographed, and everything to do with altering the writing on the barn.

The writing on the barn now says, if you own a studio that shoots events you have to shoot gay ceremonies if asked. You as a business owner have no choice or rights in the matter despite what you beliefs are. All of the points any one expresses here do not matter at all, You as a studio owner must shoot this event.

What will the writing say tomorrow?

(please do keep in mind that “pigs” in the book are a representation of the political powers that be, and I am not inferring that by any ones sexual orientation they are pigs. But I would infer that the political powers that be and most politicians, most of those guys are pigs IMO)