Thanks, Stephen. The lighting was awful. For the wide shot (Canon 10-22mm), I used a monopod and ISO 800 and even at F4 I could only pull 1/10 sec exposure. No IS on the 10-22mm either. I just lucked out with the relative sharpness and then brought up the light levels in Photoshop. The floor in the foreground was a bit overexposed and the high areas of the apse were quite dark. It took some doing to even it all out. Still, I'm happy with the picture.

The tighter shot was with my Rokinon 85mm F1.4 and was shot wide open. Even at 1600 ISO, I could only pull 1/80. Again, no IS and the Roki is manual focus. I had to use Live View 10x to get it anywhere near sharp. I was sitting in a pew and had the monopod jammed against the back of the pew in front of me.