24-70 is known as 'The Brick'. You might have a hard time convincing the wife that it is light. Would suggest waiting for vII to come out to see if IQ is as good as promised. Alternate after it comes out is vI on used market. Price might come down if enough current owners upgrade. Still no IS though.

17-40 is a good landscape lens. Not so good at wider apertures. Starts to behave from f6.3 and onwards. Hard to recommend as a general purpose lens.

24-105 is a respectable general purpose lens. Aperture is a limiting factor for some. Corner softness wide open bothers others but it does, despite its flaws, satisfy many owners. Covers a nice focal range and has IS. Comparing the ISO charts it isn't too terribly different from 24-70 over much of the common range other than vignetting and wide end distortion.

Will leave discussing the primes to others.