Well I posted this debate a while ago, and kind of sat on my xsi without making a decision to upgrade. Now that it's summer time, I'm picking up my camera a lot more. A great thing. I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on an upgrade, but still don't know which way to proceed. I'm to the point where I think go big or go home might be a good way to go about it. If I got the new mk5dIII, it should cover my needs for a few years to come. I would have to add to my lens list, thinking the 24-70 F2.8L lense would be a good match for the 15-85 that I already own and won't be able to use if I do go 5D. On the other hand, seeing that canon upgrades every few years I'm wondering if a 60D upgrade is in works. It could meet my needs if it were to get some of the improved features that have been recently released on the Canon sets of DSLR's. Anyone have a gut feel on any 60D activitiy (other than the 60Da)?