So last night I went to a friend's 8th grade graduation and took dozens of shots. I used a 135mm prime lens because it would go to an F2.0 so I could deal with the lighting. I shot on AV. Two things I learned: First with the 135mm I could not get far enough back to get good group shots. I knew this would likely be an issue but with my other lens is an F3.5 I tried the 3.5 but even at ISO 800 could not get suitable shutter speeds for hand held. The other issue I ran into is the 135mm does not have image stabilization. I shot without a tripod (pretty sure I looked ridiculous enough without adding a tripod to the mix). I have a lot of images that are blurred due to camera shake. Things looked ok on the LCD on the camera last night but when I got them up on the main screen today I was really disappointed.

I have uploaded four of the files, unedited. The first three were shot at the ceremony with the 135mm on AV. The last one was shot at a friend's home with EFS 18/55 that came with the camera on Auto. I used auto because I could not get the shutter speed where I needed it in AV and the young ones were getting antsy. I am fairly happy with the fourth image.

You can view the images here:

I really appreciate any and all feedback. I would like to eventually progress to really good amateur.