Quote Originally Posted by Colin

Head to rump, he would have fit on a dime, though I'm sure he would have liked to include the length of his feelers, at which point I'd say a nickel.

I ended up with some used Cactus V2's, because that's what I could find, and I was impatient. they seem to work fine. The only time I've seen the flash not fire was when I forgot to turn the receiver on. Sometimes I'm quite the brainiac [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]
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Wow, I was severely off on my estimation of his size....We have creaturs that look very similar here in TN that show up when it starts getting warmer, and they're positively huge compared to your guy, then.

I had a set of V2s receivers that worked quite well for a good while, but then they started getting a bit flakey on me...so I upgraded. They saw an enormous amountof use before becomingsomewhat unreliable, though, so it's a great (and relatively inexpensive) way to get your feet wet in off-camera lighting.