Hello Guys,

I've been reading the digital picture reviews for quite some time now. First and foremost the lens reviews.

I've switched to use my EOS 10D in M mode (from Av & P) to learn more about exposures and photography in general. Since i've switched i find it very dificult to judge my images when it comes to image sharpnes. so i ask you guys to tell me if this image shown here is as sharp as it can be.

Shot details: Canon EOS 10D / EF 100mm f/2.8 USM MACRO @2.8 and 1/250s, ISO 100

I focused on the eye of the parrot using the center AF field. The light was not that good (cloudy day and the parrot was in the shade). I used no tripod. I would have liked to stop the aperture down to like 4 to open up the FoD but the light was too bad and i didn't want to use a slower shutter speed for i was afraid that the birds movement would blur the image.

Thanks for any comment on the image!

