Hello, all...i am on the verge of buying a new camera. I prefer Canon SLR. I am in the process of taking the leap into professional photography for the first time. I mainly shoot Maternity thru Seniors in highschool. Of course, within that range are lots of very busy little kiddos...

I usually rely on and prefer natural light, and most of my shots are "candids." I crop obsessively if I haven't already attempted to capture a facial expression up close during shooting. I love to experiment and play with my cameras and light.

My biggest problem in making this decision has been the OCD factor in my research. THis is the first post I've joined to look for advice, because if I spend another day researching, I know that i'm just going to end up back here again...

Once i feel that i have made a decision, someone tells me something like "you don't need the 5D Mark II, just go with the 5D" and then i research again and decide that maybe the Mark II doesn't have the speed I need. Obviously, there are about 199876 more stories similar to this but i'm not here to bore you, i'm here for HELP!

Could you please send me some feedback regarding your opinions on camera AND lens/or lenses. This is going to be my first FULL FRAME camera purchase and I would really appreciate and value the expertise of people talking to me as opposed to reading site after site of information that has now just started to overwhelm me.

No, I don't have to have the best of everything, I would prefer to spend LESS money if the performance is there, I will not be doing any ENORMOUS commercial prints, I need kid-friendly speed, focus, and preferably stabilization, and i'm very thankful to all that can help me on this exciting venture...

If it would be helpful to see the kinds of pictures that I actually SHOOT, i will put a link or two below? Please, however, keep in mind that I am new to Animoto as well, and the photos were actually taken over many years, some back to my 35mm days, so the quality of photo is less important than trying to show the style that shoot - hence, the need for a camera to cover that range. I will put up babies and younger, since they obviously hold still the least. I appreciate any advice you can offer...



...like i said, this is my first attempt at joining a forum so again, thank you all for your time and help.

