
Congrats on the new 600mm II, that's Awesome!!

I'm glad to hear that it's it's hand-holdable, now lets get out of work and see some pics!

Do you now have to send it in for the firmware update?

If you do, do you now have to pay for shipping and insurance, that could get a little expensive?

I think the 200-400mmf/4 +1.4X would be a great addition to your 600mmII. That zoom focal range will cover a lot of photo op's, and now with the new low ISO performance of the 5DIII and 1DX, it makes this lens even better. The 600mm is definitely too big for travel and I feel that I would probably end up leaving it home.

Think of a trip with these 3 lenses; 24-70mm, 70-200mmII, and 200-400-560mm.
