Hi Forum,
I'm going on a trip to India, mix of urban/landscape/wildlife.
I'm thinking a general purpose lens as I only have 1 camera body (T3i; waiting for 7D Mk II) and am convinced by the arguments in other threads about the hassle of changing lenses and/or missing shots.
Given that, I'm thinking the 28-300 over the 100-400. I think the advantage of the wide-angle (limited I know on a cropped frame) outstrips the advantage of the extra 100mm. Only time will tell!
My real concern is the age of these lenses. I'm thinking I don't want to wait and miss great shots on my upcoming trip, but I also don't want to buy, what could soon be, outdated equipment.
Saying that, recent upgrades to lenses seem to have come w/ some considerable price increases, so should I buy now while stocks of older-generation lenses still exist. Will the likely upgrades be worth the extra cost given that I'm no pro photographer!
All comments/thoughts welcome.
PS I was thinking of the new 70-300, but don't believe its attributes (save price) are better than the other 2 lenses' (28-300 & (100-400).