Thanks, that looks like him. It's weird if this is the 'common' type, I've never seen one before (and certainly not being dopey inside, I did put him outside after all the photos though). According to here, it's found all over Aus.

Normally what i see around here are what this guy calls a 'marbled gecko' (or any number of other 'skinks' on that page.
Also he's got one of the ones I had, calls it a 'Barking Gecko' (he said he found it near the Onkaparinga Gorge, which is not too far from my place), under a totally different latin name.
Maybe I'll email some pics to friends at the museum, they might know.

And yeah, the 4th is also my favourite, click on it and you can get a full 10MB original. Wasn't bad for an EF 100mm f/2.0 @ f8 or so, 7D, some combination of Kenko tubes, M at 1/160s, and 430EX in ETTL, camera-mounted and reflecting off the walls, shower screen, and toilet bowl. Processed in Landscape of all styles (made his colours best, with 0 saturation), bit of contrast and that's it.