Hey John,

No longer getting the 40mm pancake and probably not the 24mm, it will likely be the Canon 35mm f/1.4L. Reason being, the 35mm f/1.4L will be a better walkaround 'prime' (I know that sounds ludacris as a walkaround lens would generally be a zoom) than the 24mm and I've already got the wide end covered with the 14mm.

There are three reasons I'm changing my setup.

1. Primes get shots zooms can't in most instances as you mentioned. I've found that primes force me to think about composition more and the result is more interesting shots.

2. Yep, autofocus. I understand where you're coming from with lost time in changing lenses. But if the alternative is to take a shot that I don't particularly like because I'm using a zoom lens that trades the super wide apertures and narrow DOF that I love for a focal length range then I'm not interested. I'm not into taking a million 'OK' photos of something. I want one or two amazing shots that serve as a reminder of an event/scene/situation. So yeah, I agree that it's going to be a little more cumbersome at times and there will be moments where I'll have the wrong lens on for the job but I'm ok with that and I'll learn different ways to deal with it.

3. The 5D3 pretty much addresses everything that frustrates me about the 5D2... and I like shiny new toys.

There may be a 50mm in there somewhere if I need it but I've never really liked the 50mm focal length on full frame for some reason. Will see how things pan out.