Since this thread inspired some pics of my nephew, so I thought I'd revive it. He was also my excuse to go full-frame (refurbished 5D II for $1400 on Thanksgiving Day), which is what I've been wanting to do for a while now. Most of my pictures are indoor, low-light, no flash with some motion -- kids never stop, unless they're sleeping (or posing now).

Before I got the 5DII, I (still) have a 50D with EF-S 17-55, EF 70-200 f/2.8 II IS, and EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro. The 50D always had the 17-55 on it. I prefer the 70-200, but it's too long for nearly everything. And, the 100mm was for macro. Now, the 17-55 stays on the 50D, which is rarely used. (I'm keeping it around for action, of which there hasn't been much.) And, the 70-200 stays on the 5DII, which is the perfect combination for me now.

So, here's my nephew (no faces) with the 5DII and 100mm f/2.8L Macro. I shot it in Tv since I assumed it would always go wide open and I wanted the shutter to be 1/100". It's also auto ISO, since that seems to work pretty well and I'm not used to it going up to ISO3200 by itself.

100mm 1/100" f/3.2 ISO2000

And, here's my little one (again, no faces) with the 5DII and 70-200mm. I didn't know where else to put it (Portraits?). Crazy girl was playing with the Mr Potato Head Pumpkin Decorating kit (pirate). It would've just been her face, except she's wearing the shoes too. I thought it was funny enough to share.

70-200 @ 70mm 1/50" f/2.8 ISO3200