When I signed up for Flickr, I saw that you had the option of making your images available to Getty Images. I searched online and found people complaining about the terms, so I just opted out.

Now, I've got a request from Getty about a specific set of images they wish the license... except the only controls on Flickr are "No Getty", and "Give Getty exclusive rights to everything in my photostream, and any similar photo I made produce whether it's on Flickr or not". Non-similar images outside of Flickr aren't theirs. I imagine the similar image clause is to avoid someone taking two shots, giving Getty rights to one, and selling the other elsewhere, but there is no definition of similar. Perhaps they expect exclusive rights to my daughter and dogs.

Considering these options, I'm leaning heavily towards ignoring their request.. but I figured I'd ask. Has anybody here had good worthwhile dealings with Getty via Flickr?