geez. Both Adorama and B&H don't have 'em...

Maybe, in my case, that's a good thing []

With the 70-200 f/2.8 IS already a good friend of mine, while I can rationalize that the 135 f/2 would bea little bit better in terms of sharpness and the ability to be one stop faster with potentially thinner DOF if I needed it...

Realistically, it would seem if you don't do a lot of portrait work with non-moving subjects, or things that don't potentially move away or toward you quickly....

I'd expect that for candids, with a lens this long, unlike the 25-85mm range, you'll find that you can't back up to get what you want in the frame without making a scene, regardless of how good your pair of legs are....

It's not long enough to such that the distance isn't really going to make a big difference, but to change the framing, you're going to have to move a LOT, and what you're trying to shoot will probably be alerted by that movement....

I'd be interested in what owners of both had to say. Is the difference in bokeh between f/2 and f/2.8 at 135mm really that great? What are the applications where you really, truly find this lens far more useful than other options in the same focal range? If I've already got an 85mm f/1.2, is there much benefit in a longer perspective?

I know it's a great lens, but other than the comfort of knowing you own one of the finest Canon makes, what's the real practical benefit over other lenses that can do a similar (albeit of course not the same) job?

Throw me your information please!