
I like the shots of the cars from last year's Petite Le Mans, because they show the sharpness achievable, but practically speaking, those could have been made with my 28-135. This is useful information, too, because I amdefinitely still learning about perspective and reach. How faraway did you have to be to capture those?Were theycropped? Nice motion blur on the wheels of the second one, too, BTW. I see by your example that I want to be less than 1/1000 somewhere. Have you had luck with 1/500?


How the heck do you get animals to stay still long enough tocompose andmanual focuson a tripod? I seem to barely be able to do it handheld! Good work.


I love the shot of passing the champagne! To me, that is great composition. It's okay on "parking" the Porsche. I have done the same thing. Still trying to work out shutterspeed/handholdability/sharpness myself. You want the wheels to look like they're spinning, but the car needs to be in focus, right? [] I really admire shots I've seen where the car is sharply in focus, but the wheels are a blur of motion, and the background looks like a watercolor brush stroked it. Skill and years of experience, I guess.

Bird pics were great! I really like the saturation and sharpness of the juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk shot. Very nice. Also, the Loon portrait was beautiful, I think.

I have seen enough to say that I definitely think the 100-400 is for me. Thank you all for your generous comments.

I just found out that I will have to replace my double wall oven, which will be $3100 plus installation, but I will be saving for the 100-400 immediately after.