So i've been shooting for a few years, mostly sharing online and such, never printing big (only occasionally printing small, using my local photolab, which is also one of the last places around here that develops film).

As I've nearly gotten myself setup in the new house, I'm starting to contemplate buying a photo printer. Firstly, I've never had any printer before, let alone a proper photo one. The only one i've erer really used belonged to my parents, an HP Deskjet 550C back with their 386, cost them $1500 or something (they replaced it when it was cheaper to buy a new printer than replace the ink cartridges).

I've been reading up on various models, mostly today over at Imaging Resource. I never realised they could be *that* complicated (although I knew there'd be some sort of learning curve to them). For instance i'd never heard of the difference between Dye (Pixma Pro100) and Pigment (Pro1 and Pro10) inkjet (it's all inkjet to me), and I had read about Dye Sublimation years ago when it was first introduced but don't know much about how well it works lately.

So, first question, are DyeSub printers worth it? All I can find (on B&H) seem to be 4x6 and not much bigger. If anyone can recommend a good one to throw into the mix of options feel free.

Otherwise, my options are hovering around the good Epson and Canon models, namely (B&H Prices, aussie prices will probably be a lot more):

Pixma Pro1, $1000, Pigment Ink, 12x $35/tank (which looks huge compared to other cartridges).
Pixma Pro10, $700, Pigment Ink, 10x $15/cartridge.
Pixma Pro100, $410, Dye Ink, 8x $17/cartridge.
Stylus R3000, $790, Pigment Ink, 9x $32/cartridge.
Stylus R2880, $600, Pigment Ink, 8x $14/cartridge.
Stylus R2000, $590, Pigment Ink, 8x $22/cartridge.

So far I've only read the reviews on the Canon models, and the differences between the Pro1/10/100 models, especially with regards to matt vs gloss, saturation vs reality, black vs greys, 4 or 3 pL drops (although the epsons seem to go to 1.5pL), and the myriad of paper options available. Otherwise they mostly look very similar except the ink-tank system of the Pro1, and the Epsons have roll-feeders and the Canons don't. They all do 13" wide which I doubt i'll ever go past (photolabs with large-format are for billboards).
I suppose my main problem is that I don't know what i want to print, or more that I want to print anything and everything, colours and B&W, mattes and gloss, and (i presume expensively) experimenting with different papers.

So what i'm looking for from you guys is a bit of guidance, which of you have used what printers of the ones i've mentioned?
How do you like it for what type of printing?
Where does it shine, where does it fall over?
Specifically to the Pro1 (although i suppose to all of them), will the ink in the tubes dry up if it's left unused for a period of time? (I suppose I might print something at least once a month, although it could be anywhere between every day and 2 months if i'm busy taking photos rather than printing).
One thing when I scan my B&W films is that they always seem to be on the dark side, it takes a bit of pushing to bring back the shadow detail to my monitor. In some of those reviews they say that the Pro10 (i think) also makes stuff darker, has anyone got this model and seen the same thing? Sometimes I want to black-out the shadows, but sometimes I want my subtle details.
Any other general knowledge or advice for someone who's never printed anything much before?

(and for those who pay attention, I'm still running Linux. I've got DPP and GIMP working fine on it, but i've never run a printer. I'm sure i could get any model to print, but i'm not so sure about the proper drivers for configuration and all that, or about the ICC profiles for the paper. I suppose if I can't get it working then I can virtualise Windows on top for printing if I have to).