Hi everyone. I'm a few months into enjoying the new 6d and in particular its low light performance (especially compared to the 7d). I find the 24-105 f/4 to be a great walk around lens for the camera. It's not too large or heavy, and the f/4 is often wide enough for low light shots given the great high ISO performance of the 6d. I also love the EF 85 f/1.8 with it. I feel like I can shoot in the dark with that combo.

My question is whether anyone has used the 6d and EF 40 pancake combo. The size and weight advantage is obvious. But other than that, do you think I would find the combo useful given the other two lenses? How's the IQ? I don't have a fast 50 or 35 prime. And if I get one, it would probably be the new sigma 35 f/1.4 that everyone raves about. But that's $900 and heavy vs. $150 for the pancake and not happening any time soon.

Thanks for your input!
