I have studied your photos and will give you an honest critique.

Watch your backgrounds: I usually ask the minister to step to a side for ring exchange, vows, and the kiss.
Else you end up with an unwanted third party in the most important photos of the day.
If you had a second camera ready to go you could have snapped a shot of the couple's hands only close up in your first photo.
Did you notice the groom has a microphone coming out of his neck in that photo, and the is more detail of the minister than the bride.
The day is all about the bride and secondly about her dress.
Don't recall seeing the eyes of your bride in any of the photos, nor did I see her smile.
I only move the boquet up to the face for a head shot and keep it at the waist for three quarters shots.
You have too much desaturation going on in most of the shots. Did you set a white balance for this setting?
There is also a background problem behind the groom the the BW colorized photo.
Focus problems in the hand/boquet photo, may be your DOF was narrow.
The photo of the church during the ceremony is busy, I see too many folding chairs.
I would have preferred shots from the ailse for the wedding party even if it meant not getting the enitre group.
Some good shots of the audience on the front row close up is usually nice.
All in all you need to study some more work out there and develop a style that you really like.
Good luck