I have skills in Photoshop, and have used the liquefy filter many times. However, I don't agree on its use with people.

It makes no difference if it's a bride, or any other person. Apart from lens corrections, the person should be left alone when it comes to their shape.

Okay, the bride is overweight. Or, the groom is overweight. Big deal. That's who they are. Changing their physical shape is making them into something they aren't.

I'm perfectly okay with small adjustments, such as contrast, color (we're all a little pasty looking and could use some saturation in the face, especially if the camera doesn't do well with it), or some other modifications (pimples removed, scratches, etc. which are "snapshots" at the time).

I was asked by the mother of the bride to make one of the bride's maids thinner. Yes, the woman was overweight. But, it wasn't the bride's maid asking me this, it was the mother of the bride. She was embarrassed by the woman's weight. I refused. I was tempted to tell the mother that it wasn't only the bride's maid that needed thinning out, it was something she also needed. But, I restrained myself.

A good photographer will use posing skills to change the emphasis to where he/she wants the observer to look, but beyond that, it's all they should do with shapes.

Anything more is obviously false, and everyone, including the people looking at the pictures will soon realize the photos were manipulated.

I caution against the use of the liquefy filter for such occasions.