Thanks for the feedback everyone.

The 85 is on my 'wish I could list' b/c it always brings out creative ideas and I can imagine great limited DOF portraits in interior locations on the ship. I also like it a lot for capturing architectural details w the same limited DOF. I shot w the 85 1.2 FD version for years on an F1 body, so I'm not bad w getting some good shots out of it. I shoot it at 1.2-2.0, so the 70-200 doesn't quite substitute (though it is a good compromise idea). At night I love the OOF effect with lights in the background. I think I'm going to try to squeeze it in. I will also use the 16-35 for interior portrait/environmental shots - good idea.

I left out the 24-70II b/c I don't have it yet. I have debated it, but I sold the version I b/c it was so rarely on my camera. Maybe the IQ improvement would re-inspire my interest in this set of focal lengths, but for some reason I often want either a wider angle or a more narrow one. I'm sure it would be great if I had to pick only one lens for an outing.

The 100 mm macro would be nice to take, but I'm hoping the extension tube w the 70-200 will be satisfactory. However, it is a light lens to throw in the bag and it performs its special purpose very well.

You are right about the batteries these days as not the reason for the grip. My hands are a little bigger than average and being accustomed to the F1 w motor, 1Dx etc, I'm just never comfortable with the regular size bodies. Not to mention the extra shutter is very handy.

Great shot Clemmb - I think that was the perfect shutter speed - just sharp enough and the motion makes it. I'll have to try this myself (he says hoping for good opportunities!). I'll check out your shots, but as you know, kit is just an enabler.

I'll post a few pics back to this thread in a few weeks to see if the weight was worth it.