Its almost 100%certain i'll be upgrading from 60D to 6D and 24-105 or 24-70 f/4 sometime this or next month
only EF lens i own is 50mm f/1.4, and longest and most used lens on 60D was 15-85mm (which is 24-135mm equivalent on FF)
i dont need macro that 24-70L offers and i already feel i'll miss some of the range on 24-105 (i dont own a longer lens and wont be getting any new lens for quite some time after this upgrade)

so i'd like to hear your oppinions, should i get 24-105 or 24-70 f/4?
i dont see huge difference in image quality on site comparison tool, but theres a 300€ (a little more then 300$) price difference in those two 6D kits which i think i'd rather spend on filters (i dont have 77mm filters and i use Hoya NDx400 and CPL filters A LOT)
i think i should mention that i cant buy 24-70 f/2.8 tamron (is no available in hdew cameras) but i dont think i need it as i mostly shoot at narrower apertures (f/8-16) and i'd like to finally start investing in L glass