Every day I pass by a beautiful uncut field on my way to and back from work. I've been thinking that it'd be a great place to shoot, but it didn't come together until Wednesday. If you want to see more from the series, check out my flickr stream.


Relatively simple strobist setup: 1 Vivitar 285HV, camera right, full power, shot through a white umbrella, triggered via Cybersyncs. Sun provides rim lighting.

Canon 50D, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS, B&W Circular Polarizer, f/3.2 1/250sec ISO 100

I had intended on using the CPL to enhance the colors, but the sun was positioned directly behind her so there wasn't much of a polarizing effect. It did act as a bit of an ND filter to allow me a shallower depth of field at 1/250 sec. I didn't like the really warm white balance at Kelvin 5500 (daylight), so I opted for a cooler 4900 (if I remember correctly). I liked the more muted tones giving the image a less vivid, more dreamlike quality.