Heading to Oregon in September for three weeks. I need to buy an exta battery, circular polarizer for my 7d, how many CF cards? I usually use a 4 or an 8 CF card. I'm not sure if I will buy a mono-pod, I probably should, but I am being tight with my money at the moment. I have a tri-pod that that seems to weigh a ton, I know I won't be taking that on my hikes. I have a 24-105mm and 100-400mm lens. I think I'm okay in the lens dept. What do you think, is anything missing for my pack?My plans are Mount Hood, CRG, the coastline to see all the lighthouses, marine life, and birds, down to Redwood National Park, then over to Crater Lake, maybe hit the Ramona falls area, there is supposed to be good bird viewing there. Then up to Silver Falls, I would like to go over to the Painted Hills, but I am afraid I may not have enough time for everything. Are there any tips you can give me? Such as best time of day for certain shots, don't miss this hike, etc..Is there a link on this site on taking photos of waterfalls?than you,