Hi folks,

I've spent the past several days getting to know my new 40D, which I purchased as a refurb (now recertified?) from Adorama. Judging from the camera's histogram, and especially processing images in Lightroom, some, but not all of my images seem to be noticeably underexposed.

One example that was particularly noticeable, I was shooting some flowers in the shade of my house on an otherwise sunny morning. I don't have a macro lens (yet) so I was using the 55mm end of my 17-55 f/2.8. Camera was set on evaluative metering. White balance was set on shade. f-stop varied between 2.8 and 5.6, depending on how much depth of field I was aiming for. I was shooting in aperture priority. The histogram showed the images to be a underexposed, and when imported them into Lightroom, I had to bump up the exposure by a stop and a half.

Even brighter, more direclty lit shots have seem a skoosh underposed, but much less so.

My XS, the camera from which I am upgrading, also underexposed things, but less so, and a lot more uniformly--to the extent that I bumped up the exposure compensation a third of a stop and just left it there unless the histogram told me I was overexposing a particular shot.

So my newbie question--is this within the range of normal, or something I should be thinking of returning the camera for? Image quality and everything else about the camera--particularly with the 17-55 f/2.8 (yeah, I treated myself)--is outstanding.
