i am having trouble getting sharp images with my new lense at longer distances and sometimes close as well. with a 100-400 should my images still be tack sharp even if the subject is out 5 or 600 feet away ? i have the shutter speed up high enough i think with plenty of light and i use center focus point only. with the shutter speed as high as it was (1/640) should i have turned the IS off ? quite a few people have told me to invest in glass and not so much in the camera body but im a bit envyous of all the pics i see on here and i cant even get close to the quality you guys get. here are the 3 best of 122 pics i took last friday. unedited and uncropped. i thought i was doing everything right , but apparently not lol.

IMG_3463-2 by sedwards679, on Flickr

IMG_3449-2 by sedwards679, on Flickr

IMG_3434-2 by sedwards679, on Flickr