Hi Everyone...I received an alert on a sale on the 500 f/4 II, 600 f/4 II, and 200-400 f/4 w/1.4tc from Canon Price Watch. CPW listed the sale as $8,199 for the 500 II, $10,299 for the 600 II, and $10,399 for the 200-400. But the deal may be a bit better. Here is the sale page. I believe those prices are in CAD$. If so, the deal is better. I've contacted them to verify. Also, you are supposed to get free shipping and a better price if you mentioned Canon Price Watch.

I don't know anything about camera canada, other than they seem to be one of the major suppliers for Canada. But, these are the best prices I've seen on the the version "II" lenses so I thought I'd mention.