Hi All,

Im looking to drop some coin on a new lens this week. Ive been reading Bryan's reviews for months on Canon's 70-200mm family, and I was wondering if someone could give me some recommendations based on their own experiences.

As an amateur / hobbyist the f/2.8 L IS II USM is out of my budget - I'm torn deciding between the f/4.0 L IS USM and the f/2.8 L USM.

I like the idea of the f/2.8 stop, but am also keen on the IS the f/4 offers.

Im hoping to take advantage of the 2.8 with action photography, (potentially with a 1.4 extender) for motorsports, but I know realistically it will be used far more frequently on landscape and portrait photos.

Any feed back from those who have had experience with the above would be greatly appreciated.