I came to TDP after using DPR for many years. There were a number of things about their reviewers and reviews that really annoyed me. There were always minor pet issues that they would complain about. Their favourite at the time was opening the card access door would stop the transfer. When Canon made a change they then bleated about Canon finally listening to their customers. I got the impression that this was more about showing the power of DPR than a major flaw in the design.

When I first came across TDP I found the reviews very refreshing. I never thought that the reviews were in anyway biased. If a Canon Lens or body had issues it would be clearly detailed without glossing over it or going into a rant. When Tamron has a better feature, like warranty the facts are stated "Tamron USA's 6-year warranty far surpasses Canon USA's standard 1 year warranty".

What sets TDP apart from the others are the Tools, they are simple to use and easy to understand. Most reviews are purely subjective but when you include the objective results from the tools you understand that its not just one persons opinion. Sites like DPR have attempted to add these features but I have yet to find anybody who understands how to use them.

The Forum is not overly moderated there are no juvenile rules about what you can and cannot post. The technical advice from the Forum is second to none. The most popular Aus. site Australian "Bogan" Photography, it's all about posting as many "Great Shot" comments as you can. The technical advice is crap to give you some examples:

  • "The smaller the sensor pixels the greater the noise... its a fundamental law of physics so just accept it". No Stephen Hawking's here!
  • "The faster your Flash Card the less buffering, so buy the fastest you can". The user had a 40D so the transfer rate was limited by the body.

Note: Pointing out the garbage just gets the post deleted for "Flaming", sad I know.

I have sent many people to this site and they do use the reviews and tools a lot. The problem for those in Aus. is that your sponsored links are to US sites, which for us is Grey Market (and we cannot claim the rebates).

So I regard this site, and the experts who inhabit it as the best DSLR site on the web, you should all be very proud of what you have been able to create.