Okay, so it's time to fish for suggestions as to a new gear bag since my collection has completely outgrown the old one.

I need to fit a 1D mk2 with L plate, 30D with grip and body plate, 50 1.8, extender 1.4x, 70-200 2.8, 100-400L, 24-105L, 16-35L, 100mm macro (all with hoods reversed), remote switch, 30ft extension cord, 430ex and 580ex flashes (preferably in their pouches), Sto-Fen diffusers for both flashes, off-shoe cord and miscellaneous accessories (spare batteries, cards, filters, etc.).

I've been managing with the old bag by attaching some of the lenses in separate cases to the strap, but it's becoming a bit unwieldy as the collection increases.

Anyway, I'm looking for good shoulder bag ideas... no backpacks please (if I'm heading somewhere that requires a backpack, I generally prioritize the lenses I'll end up needing and put everything in my regular frame pack along with everything else I need for the trip). Any ideas would be wonderful, especially if the cost isn't too much more than $200 USD.

Thanks in advance.