Quote Originally Posted by Colin500 View Post
What I'm suggesting is not an automatic or semi-automatic exposure. I'm running around somewhere, shooting in M as usual. At some point I want to change the depth-of-field but the exposure I chose earlier and was shooting at was already correct. So when I change the aperture to change the dof I need to compensate by changing the exposure time. So I for every click of one wheel I need to click the other wheel, too. The EV-Lock, while engaged, would automatically perform this compensating change to the second wheel. No automatic exposure, it's still all M, it sounds like you are reading too much into this feature.
For the record, no, I'm not reading too much into this. I get it completely. I just don't understand the logic behind "give me full control of the camera, using the knobs at my disposal, across the three dimensions of the exposure triangle. Great, thanks. Now stop and give me a macro so I can turn one knob and not have to turn another knob, because I'm too lazy to do so myself after turning them just a moment ago." Further, I think it's a short-sighted assumption to think that the 327 1Dx customers who might want this would want the macro to only pair up aperture & shutter - some are going to want aperture & ISO as the mated pairing, and others are going to want shutter & ISO as the mated pairing. Now it's not so simple...