Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
I hope Bryan chooses to test one or more copies of the lens purchased retail to see if the results align with the copy provided by Sigma.

I think that is the solution. I understand TDP having to get their review up in order to be competitive with other sites. SLRgear had a significant number of hits because they were the first review. But I absolutely agree. I trust Bryan's reviews more than most. I simply think he tries harder. If he is seeing copy variation, he tests multiple copies. The only other group I've seen do this is lensrentals, for obvious reasons. But it would be great to see the review results for the 50A verified with a true production copy.

That said, I think the picture is getting clearer with the "Art" series. Excellent optics, especially sharpness. Not the necessarily the old AF issues that Sigma had, but perhaps AF inconsistency issues. I suspect the level of light may affect the Sigma Art lenses more than it affects Canon lens. I'll try to test that tomorrow morning with the 35A.

Of course, the end result is important, can the "Art" lenses deliver the images you want. This may be why I am sensitive to the AF, but I "missed" several shots due to the AF issue in lower light. I've only tried the 35A in two events, so it deserves more of a chance, but one particular sequence with my niece and sister-in-law could have been great. But the 35A missed AF on consecutive shots. Usually with an EF lens, at least one shot would be sharp.