I have a question I'm stuck on and I'd like your advice. For the last 2 years I've been shooting on a Canon 650D and loving it. Recently I've been going out with a friend who has a 5DmkIII and he's been letting me use with my lenses that for shots etc. I've found myself really loving full frame and the quality of the camera is so much higher.

I've been looking at pricing and unfortunately I can't afford the 5DMKIII (at close to $3.5k...). So, I've been eyeing off the 6D but I'm torn. On paper (and in reviews) it sounds so much better than my camera but I'll miss the features such as touch screen and the additional focus points.

I've been told by the same friend not to buy the 6D as Canon may have another full frame round the corner to replace the 6D and also pointed out the camera is the same age as my 650D so will be superceded in no time. I'm not one of those suckers who needs the absolute newest gear, but if something does come out a few months after my purchase I will likely wish I'd waited.

As the 5D is out of my budget, what do you all recommend? Is it worth the jump to a 6D or should I wait til the next midrange full frame camera comes out?