Thanks, Bill. Your points are well taken. We all have personal preferences and things we won't put up with. If you can afford new equipment, you have my blessing to go with God (Canon!). I'm just saying thatimage quality isall that really matters to me. I'm not going to get rid of a great piece of glass because of a (to me) minor annoyance.

Concerning holding your camera with your lefthand always on the lens, that's just the right"ready to shoot" position (thumb on top, fingers cupping under the lens).I almost always re-frame eachshot at least a little.More importantly, you'll get sharper photos because the camerais steadierwhen you hold it this way. Keeping hold of the lens is just practical sense.At least give it a try. It really is comfortable and natural after a while.

As far as I know, mostCanon lenses will not creep if you hold onto thezoom ring.Canon has been inconsistent with zoom-focus ring placement. Lens models with the zoom ringat least somewhataway from the camera bodyarea bit easier touse. If the zoom ring is out in front, I wrap my thumb and index around it. If it's near the body, I use thumb and ring finger.

-John O.