Well we all have had bad days photographing.

Since I'm reasonably good at fireworks, I thought I would try a new location. This time I didn't forget anything or get there too late to get a good spot. I spent 3 hours telling people where the fireworks would be coming from and "no I'm not a professional photographer".

I have User Custom 3 for fireworks (Manual, f8, ISO 100, 6 seconds), being the last position on the switch it's the easiest to check in the dark. I then adjust the shutter speed for the type of fireworks display (Rapid Fire or Slow). Even though it's been 3 years since I last shot fireworks I was very confidant it would all go well.

Just as the fireworks started the Hahnel Remote Shutter Release stopped working (even though I had tested it hours before). Testing it this morning its dead.

The second thing that went wrong was that I was unable to review the images while it's shooting. I know this was a feature on my old 350D I used it all the time. I don't seem to be able to get the 7D to do the same thing. It's highly likely that I set something wrong on the 7D, but I cannot get the display to come up unless I release the shutter. Does anybody know if this is possible?

The end result for the 10 minute fireworks display and one of the best I've seen, I have less than 80 shots. Half of the shots I did take were rubbish and It looks like I may less than 10 keepers.

Sorry for the Dummy Spit.... and Happy New Year