Quote Originally Posted by DavidEccleston View Post
Keep in mind that Canada is huge. The scale is completely different from Europe, and often takes unsuspecting travellers by surprise.

Get a map of Canada: https://www.google.ca/maps/@54.99405...89124,4z?hl=en
Now find Toronto, Ontario. It's on the edge of the 5 big lakes that border with the USA.
Now look North East a bit, along the border with Quebec, and find Ottawa, Ontario.
That's a 5-6 hour drive, on a highway, at 100 KM/H. In Europe you get through several countries in that time, but here you've barely make a mark on the map.

That kind of scale limits you to exploring small sections of Canada at a time. You don't want to spend your trip driving on highways, so you want to find a few good attractions somewhat near each other, and don't expect to see them all in an afternoon.
Yes i know ! This summer i went from Florence to Scotland, trip all around and back, just 4400km! (2500 miles?)

But i need Canada, by the way i think that around Jonathan house seems a good starting point!