I've got an idea for a photography contest entry in my home town. It's not a very interesting place. Mostly a bedroom community.

For decades, there had been a drive-in theater. It finally had to give way to progress, so the land was sold and a Wal-Mart was built there.

I had the foresight to take quite a number of pictures of the sign, the property, etc.

As I said, the community is not very picturesque, or quaint, or much of anything.

My idea is to create a photo that has both the drive-in sign and the Wal-Mart blended together. A sort of ghost of the past.

It would be a blend of the two photos, with one of them much more prominent than the other. I would use Photoshop to blend layers.

I have the exact location of where I took the photo of the drive-in sign, and I plan on going back to it, on the same day, at the same time, to capture the now completed Wal-Mart.

So, which photo should predominate? The drive-in sign, or the Wal-Mart?

If the Wal-Mart were barely visible in the background, it would give a sense of foreboding of the future.

If the drive-in were barely visible in the background, it would give a sense of the ghost of the past.

I would have to pay close attention to the tree lines, etc, so as to prevent too much clutter with either image.

I could use some creative ideas on this project. Thanks.