I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my neck strap. I have a black rapid sling strap for walking/hiking with my camera and that is great. But I typically don't use the sling just around the house or when taking pictures on short car stops. So for those times I like using the canon neck strap (I'd actually prefer no strap, but often I need to have both hands free on a moments notice...one of the hazards of small children ). Problem is that the canon neck strap is a pain to remove quickly or easily. I've been looking for some sort of quick connect system for the neck strap and came across the peak design anchor links: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...onnection.html. Anyone familiar with these? Looks like a reasonable solution to my problem, but I wanted to hear if anyone had any issues. I'd be concerned whether they are secure enough when connected and how big/awkward the clips are when in use.

Any other suggestions are welcome as well!
