Canon updated one of their older, but still popular, primes today with the release of the 35 f/1.4 L II USM. Especially at a price of $1,799 and considering I own, but really do not use the Sigma 35A, I am not really tempted by this release. But I can respect it non-the-less. Based on the MTF chart (how to read), this is a very nice lens:

For perspective, here is the chart of the original 35 f/1.4 lens:

And Sigma's 35A:

Sigma illustrates their charts differently. But these are wide open (f/1.4) results with red being 10 lp/mm and green 30 lp/mm.

In short, the new lens is vastly improved over the original and even slightly better than the 35A wide open (with caveat about comparing MTF charts from different manufacturers that may have different testing procedures).

Plus, it comes with a new "BR" element which should minimize chromatic aberrations.

I am probably most interested in the "BR" element. Assuming it works as advertised, it could be a very nice addition to a number of lenses....say an update of the 85 f/1.2 II......