Hey all;

As mentioned in another thread, we've got a family trip planned with the main destination being Australia and New Zealand. This is primarily a family trip, but I'm definitely going to be looking for other photo opportunities while there. I know there are some forum members from Australia so I'm hoping for any insider information .

Right now we have most of our flights booked and we'll be spending approximately one week in New Zealand (flying into and out of Aukland) and two weeks in Australia (flying into Melbourne and out of Sydney). In Australia we're tentatively thinking to spend some time around Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road then flying to Cairns to see the great barrier reef & rainforests and then flying to Sydney for the remainder. Also would love to get to Uluru, but I'm not sure we have the time. We'll be there in March 2016.

As mentioned, this is a family trip so it will be myself, my wife and our 3-year-old son and almost-1-year-old daughter. Along with photo locations/suggestions, any general travel recommendations or places to go are welcome as we don't have an itinerary set yet. I'll welcome any input!
