Quote Originally Posted by sedwards View Post
Joel , how much editing do you do to your pictures if any ? I am having a hard time getting good light in the eyes like you seem to get most of the time.
Seeing your pictures from the 7D2 , i wish i still had mine to play with but i dont regret trading for the 1dsIII.
Most of the editing I do is to try to get the most detail in the plumage and make sure the head and eye are sharp. So I look at my RAW images at 100% and if they are not sharp I trash them. Then usually all that is needed is perhaps a slight levels adjustment or selective color adjustment and slight sharpening, usually not much. In some cases I do use the dodge tool to brighten the iris but I did not on this last set. I do always try to expose to the right as far as possible which tends to capture the eye brighter.