So this was a family reunion - we do them every other year, and this was in Sweden and Norway. More specifically Stockholm, Oslo, Bergen.

We only spent a couple of days in each place and I wish I would have spent it all in Bergen - The people were friendly, etc, etc and scenery was breath taking.

The weather didn't really cooperate the day we took the fjord cruise and I couldn't really break away for a full day of photo. (note to self photo safari and family reunions don't mix next time take a super zoom and be happy w/ snap shots vs. lugging 50lbs of GAS symptoms)

As you can see in the attached first couple of many, one could easily hop off the boat or get a B&B or something in one of these small towns and spend a couple of weeks easy. (My wife looks at me funny when I say that but I bet you know what I mean).

Fjord Example-2 by mbarrett5076, on Flickr

Fjord Example by mbarrett5076, on Flickr