Well, first, didn't they reach out to you? Aren't your pet photos hanging in their hospital?

$500 of credit at the clinic for your services is fair. That is ballpark of what I've heard Pros charging for senior pics. Promise 4 hours of shoot time, 4 hours of process time, the deliverable is a zip drive with the photos sorted by owner and pet name. If you feel upcomfortable, ask them what they were thinking. Good chance they've reached out to pros, who would cost the same or more in actual dollars and not hospital credit.

Seems like a win/win.

Quickly, my set up was a backdrop that extended from the rod beneath the table. Small dogs were set on the table and bigger dogs the table was removed and they were shot on the backdrop on the floor. The backdrop I ordered didn't come in time, so I improvised with some cloth from Walmart. I used my general purpose lens (24-70) outside under a pop up tent with a flash set to the right. Inside, I would have needed more light. I took a ton of shots, and deleted most but ended up with a few for each pet that I think worked.

It was nice having an assistant that wrote down the owner and pet name on a white board, so first shot was always the pet with the white board so we could track photos.